Foundation WorkWomans´s Place NRW Bettina Heinen-Ayech - one of the most important historical female personalities in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Bettina Heinen-Ayech has been included in the circle of the50 most important historical women personalities in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), Germany. The FrauenRat NRW - an association of around 50 women's organisations and groups - honours women's personalities with the "FrauenOrten NRW" who havewho have had a decisive influence on the history of Nordrhein-Westfalen, who haveachieved great things and made pioneering achievements. Bettina Heinen-Ayechwas honoured as an outstanding artist, as the most important protagonist of the Solingen "Black House" Artists' Colony in Solingen and for her commitment as an ambassador for of international understanding between Orient and Occident.



From left to right: Ms Inge Blank, MdL (Board of the NRW Women's Council); Lord Mayor Tim Kurzbach (Solingen), Dr Haroun Ayech (Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation); Ms Birgit Werhöfer (Head of the Equal Opportunities Department at the Ministry for Children
From left to right: Ms Inge Blank, MdL (Board of the NRW Women's Council); Lord Mayor Tim Kurzbach (Solingen), Dr Haroun Ayech (Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation); Ms Birgit Werhöfer (Head of the Equal Opportunities Department at the Ministry for Children

The Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation's major successes certainly include the successful application to designate the historic property of the Artists' Colony in Solingen as a Women's Place NRW and to officially list Bettina Heinen-Ayech - the most important artist of the historic Artists' Colony - among the most important historical female personalities in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. On 7 June 2024, the fourth anniversary of the death of artist Bettina Heinen-Ayech (1937-2020), representatives of the state of Nordrhein-Westfalen, the city of Solingen and the Bettina Heinen-Ayech Foundation unveiled a commemorative plaque in honour of the artist Bettina Heinen-Ayech at the Waldhof Hackhausen in Solingen as part of the FrauenOrte NRW project. The plaque was placed in the days following the ceremony at the artist's birthplace, the so-called "Black House" of the Solingen Artists' Colony.

Inge Blask: ‘What a special personality and artist Bettina Heinen-Ayech was is also shown by the fact that she achieved almost legendary status in two completely different places: In both her native Solingen and her adopted home of Algeria, she made her own mark on the art scene and built numerous bridges. We are therefore delighted to honour her work today with the opening of this FrauenOrte."

Tim Kurzbach, Lord Mayor of the city of Solingen: ‘This award honours women who have made a special contribution to our federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. I am proud that Bettina Heinen-Ayech's birthplace and place of work - ‘the Black House’ of the Solingen Artists' Colony - is now officially recognized as a Women's Place NRW and posthumously invites visitors to Solingen on a historical journey of discovery. These women can still serve as inspiration for us today. The city of Solingen already honoured Bettina Heinen-Ayech in an outstanding way in 1993 with the Cultural Prize of the Baden Civic Foundation".

Birgit Wehrhöfer: ‘We want to see the historical women of Nordrhein-Westfalen and learn about their history - not just in museums and special exhibitions, but on a daily basis and in everyday places.


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Kontakt:  Dr. Haroun Ayech  |   |   |   +49 (0) 151 42 22 11 42

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